Sales Volume Calculations
- Gross Income is calculated as Sales Price * Commission and represents your side of the transaction. Concessions and Bonuses are not included. Other Income is included.
- Pre-Split Income is income that qualifies for broker split. Referrals and commission bonus are accounted for. Other income is not included.
- Net Income accounts for split, franchise fee and other fees and represents your take-home pay for that transaction.
- If you represent a single side in a transaction, the total sales price is used to calculate sales volume. This is counted as 1 side.
- If you represent a both sides in a transaction, then 2x the total sales price is used to calculate sales volume. This is counted as 2 sides.
- If your board awards 50% of sales volume to each side, you can adjust for that by going to Main:Settings:Preferences:Commission and adjusting the Sales Volume drop-down menu.
- If your involvement in the transaction is to receive a referral fee, then this transaction is not counted towards your sales volume. A referral counts as 0 sides. Sales amount displayed in grey for those transactions.
- If your deal is a Rental, then rental amount is displayed in grey to indicate that this transaction does not count towards sales volume and is not included in the number of sides.
- Closing must have a positive income amount.
- Accrued Income means that revenues are recorded at closing, regardless of when payment is received. Closing must be marked Closed or Complete, and a Close Date must be set.