Call Capture in RealtyJuggler
RealtyJuggler offers the ability to capture phone phone messages as well as SMS Text Messages regarding yard sign inquiries. Capture is automatic, and includes caller ID information, even if your caller does not leave a message.
Call Capture technology is the perfect way to leverage your presence in a neighborhood. If you have a "For Sale" sign in a neighborhood with prominent car or foot traffic, your listing may have be generating more interest than you know.
Potential buyers out for a weekend drive in their dream neighborhood tend to keep their own schedule. They may prefer to do their research before reaching out to you with questions, or perhaps they tried to call, but you were already busy with another client.
With Call Capture, you can maximize the potential of your neighborhood presence 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Prominently display a text code on your sign riders, and your buyer prospects will have immediate access to information about the property via automated text response.
RealtyJuggler will send you an immediate text alert notifying you of the inquiry, so you can quickly reach out to your new lead while the home is fresh on their minds. A new Prospect record will automatically be added to your database, so that you can begin prospecting your new lead as soon as you are available.
Frequently Asked Questions
Does RealtyJuggler have an AutoDialer or Phone Dialer?
Yes, RealtyJuggler has several options for phone dialing. Our recommended dialer uses Twilio and can be used as a voice dialer, or SMS assisted voice dialer. We also offer integration with Google Voice, Zoom Phone, DialPad, JustCall, RingCentral, and Macintosh Continuity. Please give us a call at 970-672-3467 for help configuring. We do not charge for this feature, but the vendor that provides the voice service will.
Does RealtyJuggler Real Estate CRM offer SMS text messaging service?
Yes, RealtyJuggler does offer SMS text message chat, as well as SMS call capture and a number of other advanced SMS text messaging features. These features are included with RealtyJuggler and use Twilio as the service provider. Twilio does charge a fee for their service, which is quite modest, with most agents spending less than $100 per year. This is a fraction of the cost of other competing real estate CRM products.
Can RealtyJuggler send me a SMS text message instantly when a new lead comes in from my web site?
Yes, RealtyJuggler can send you both an email as well as a SMS text message whenever you get a new lead from your web site if you connect your web site to RealtyJuggler using
email feed. This same technology can connect third party lead services like Zillow, Trulia, to RealtyJuggler as well, so you get live leads automatically added to your RealtyJuggler prospects database.
Does RealtyJuggler Real Estate CRM offer Call Capture capability?
Yes, RealtyJuggler offers call capture technology through Twilio, a service provider. Features include the ability to set up a dedicated phone number that prospects can call to reach you directly, enter a code to hear about your listings, or even send a SMS text message to get a text message description and photo back. The main advantage of call capture is that the caller's phone number and caller ID information is captured and you are instantly notified via text message as well as email notification. There is even an option for the caller to directly reach you using call forwarding. This advanced technology is perfect as a sign rider to add to your listing signs. Prospects feel most comfortable calling during odd hours when they know they will get an automated response, allowing you to gather more leads from your listings.
Can I get a SMS text notification of appointments on my calendar?
You can configure RealtyJuggler Real Estate Software to send you a SMS text as well as email alarm before important appointments on your calendar. You can even get notifications for important tasks that you might need to complete as well.